Our Move to Texas!

If you didn’t know yet, we are officially in Texas now! Residents… like not going back to CO in a few days. It’s just crazy to me! It all happened so fast, yet each day leading up to right now, has gone by SO slow! I am sure you know the feeling.

Everyone keeps asking about the weather. Like yesterday, today has been gorgeous and under 90. The first three days were brutal at 95-100 degrees! Y’all weren’t kidding when you said it was HOT.

Last night we went to our first rodeo here in Texas! It was so cute in a little town about an hour away from us (we are north of Dallas). Although, it was packed and tons of people ended up standing right in front of us which blocked most of the view. That was a bummer, but I was happy to be there and soak up the smell!

Last night at the rodeo!

Also, this was not shared about much on purpose, but my younger sister, Olivia also came with us.

I am sure you have seen enough of my heart through this blog to know I have a very tender and sensitive heart. With all that has happened in the last few months (years), I can relate with my sister and her hearting heart. I couldn’t imagine the last 4 years without Ian. I hope we can be a good support system for her.

A few months ago I told Olivia if we moved, she was always welcome to come. That be Colorado, Texas or anywhere else. There would always be a room for her. I couldn’t possibly imagine leaving her behind while I got a chance to leave and get some air to breathe. We all love her and want the best for her, but I couldn’t imagine being her and not having another option.

When I get frustrated.

When I write these words I start to get frustrated that she has to be put through all of it. These are times that I sit back and HAVE to trust that God is going to come in and redeem this. Redemption is my word of the year for 2019, you can read about my post on that here. So often we get confused and think God does this to us… no. WE do this. We mess it all up and He says “This wasn’t supposed to happen, I am going to redeem this. Let me help you through this.”

I believe this is why people say “everything happens for a reason”. God knows we are going to mess up, but He doesn’t do it to us. Then why doesn’t he stop it from happening? I wonder this too sometimes, but I believe it’s because He gave us free will. He gave us the option to do whatever we want with our life. If we didn’t mess up, then we wouldn’t need Him. That is what makes a relationship with Him so sweet. He doesn’t force us. Just like a good Father to a child, He lets them make a mistake then comes in to help them through it and learn from it. Gently and lovingly.

OK, I didn’t plan for all of that to be in this post LOL but hey I just type what I feel like needs to be out there!


It’s three of us here so when I refer to ‘us’ it’s probably including Ian and Olivia. We loaded our U-Haul Saturday and Sunday and planned on leaving Monday morning.

Sunday packing with my brother

We had a LOT to unload on Monday night when we planned to arrive so we just decided to drive all of Sunday night! It was hard… we slept 30ish minutes at some point and then finished the rest of the drive! It’s about 11-12 hours while pulling heavy stuff and with stops.

But alas we made it!

Ian has been working each day, Olivia is working on getting a job lined up as an esthetician, and I start at a Chick-fil-A tomorrow! This week has been great for resting and getting a million boxes unpacked!

I forgot how much I love to cook and be in the kitchen! What a blessing it is to have my own kitchen with all of my own things! I had taken those things for granted before.

We have a great little kitchen with a little coffee bar and I am beyond thrilled. If you know me, you know I LOVE my coffee, and especially my Breville Espresso machine Ian got me a year and a half ago. Maybe I’ll do a post on it and how I have it all organized?

Well, I am off to do some cooking for dinner tonight! Have a great Sunday!

Until next time- HH

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